Canasound – Your Sound Experts

Who is Canasound?

Canasound is a Canadian based global distributor and parent of several home and car audio brands including CanaSQ, CanaPA, CanadB, Elektra Mobile Audio, GT Pro Audio and others. Canasound is owned and passionately operated by a Canadian leadership team in Alberta, Canada. Canasound can be found online at and at our online secure shop at

When was Canasound formed?

While Canasound was formed in Canada in 2021, Canasound’s owners have brought their pedigrees of success through three decades of official international judging experience, combined accolades at car audio competitions and experience in design and installation of car, pro and home audio systems. Prior to 2021, Canasound’s owners have put their degrees in physics, engineering and computer science to use by successfully researching, designing and engineering better audio products for over a decade. Canasound’s owners successfully operate within the global audio industry by properly understanding the business involved with their formal education at a Masters level in Business Administration. Canasound has the ideal mix of positive attitude, relevant experience, qualified education and drive to fit the demands of today’s audio consumer.

What does Canasound do?

Canasound operates at every level of the supply chain, from manufacturing to retail. This allows us to be in tune with every aspect of the audio industry and therefore develop and provide the best products to fit specific, current needs. Canasound provides a variety of car audio systems: from the everyday driver to the daily beaters to the avid, international competitors. Canasound’s owners have been competing for over three decades combined and are still enthusiastically competing at an international level at present day.

Where does Canasound operate?

Canasound, based in Alberta, Canada is a multinational organization with operations in Asia, North America and the Caribbean.

How does Canasound contribute to the audio industry?

With their formal education and decades of relevant, hands-on experience with competition level systems at an international level, Canasound is focussed on providing premium level products at the best value to the audio industry in North America and the Caribbean.

What products are being offered by Canasound?

CanaSound’s Sound Quality line, CanaSQ, is our approach to the best reference quality available. Our equipment provides the best performance in the home or automotive environment with neutral, reference sound quality and premium sound treatment solutions for the home and mobile audiophile.

CanaSound’s Professional Audio line, CanaPA, is our approach to the best quality transducers available. Our transducers provide the best output in professional audio applications with excellent power handling for today’s demands.

CanaSound‘s car audio line, CanadB, is focused on high performance power systems and power amplifiers. We believe that the heart of the audio system is the Power System, which properly supplies your amplifiers and enables the rest of your audio components downstream to perform their best.

Elektra Mobile Audio is the brand for everyone. Elektra’s robust catalog of head units, amplifiers, subwoofers, wiring, RCAs, wiring accessories, fuse holders, distribution blocks and many more are geared toward the everyday drivers and daily beater systems. Elektra’s online catalog can be found at