Joel Ybamit – California, USA

Installer Details

The system was designed, built, installed and tuned by Joel Ybamit. Joel is a DIY Installer, originally competing in the Philippines, then moved across to the USA where he continues competing in several states, and also in Canada

System Details

SQ System: designed for SQ Competition for EMMA/IASCA/MASQ/WCA/ICCE organizations

Trunk System: designed for Music outside the car formats, i.e. DB Drag – Pancadao, Bass Wars – Demo Wars, EMMA – ESQL, IASCA – MACS, ICCE – Sound Check

System Layout


  • What’s your favorite part of this installation? A: No such favorite part because I love to do it all
  • How long does it take to do an installation like this? A: More or less 3 weeks
  • What was your main reason for choosing the equipment here? A: Asides from having a great output, the quality is dependable
  • Are these installations becoming more requested now? A: Yes, it becomes more interesting now for the others who listened from my demo